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Friday, November 1, 2013

Charmé Mesmerize Brown X GlassesOnline; contact lens me likey :3

Hello lovelies! Here's my another cancer post HA-HAH.

Ok nvm, just wanna share with you guys about my current colour contact lens sponsored by the lovely people from GlassesOnline.com.my! This post is pretty much delayed but oh well, enjoy! :p


If you haven't noticed, the contact lens I'm featuring in this post is called Charmé Mesmerize Brown. I'm actually one of those typical "I-wanna-wear-coloured-lens-but-dowan-shiny-shiny-one" type of girl and I do think green/blue/violet lens are kinda scary sometimes, that's why I chose this! Brown colour (similar to Iris's iris (pun intended)) and enlarging a bit. MMMM... ASIAN RIKES.

Anyway here's some info I got from GlassesOnline.com.my:
Charme Mesmerize Color Lenses blend natural colors, revealing vivid look for your eyes. Combining the manufacturer core technique ᆱCast Modeling Processᅠᄏ with the Sandwich Design, the texture of the color lens becomes thinner and smoother contributing to better comfort for you.
Brand : Charme Mesmerize
Frequency : Monthly Wear
Diameter : 14.1mm
Material : PolymaconWater Content :38%

Within 2 days I've already gotten my Charmé Mesmerize lenses, but the boxes kemek ady I wonder why, luckily the lenses are fine :/ Good thing is, they gave me 2 lens cases for 2 boxes ordered and also the uncle from aramex courier service called me to let me know the package is delivered! (I wasn't at home that time)

Close up shot of my eyes wearing Charmé Mesmerize Brown.
Pattern of the lens does looks a bit unnatural, but I actually think it looks good from far! Not too Edward Cullen-ish bright and obvious, but brighten up my eyes and overall looking ;)

Okay my eyelashes' ugly T____T

From here onwards are my camwhore pictures under different lightning. HAHAHA.

Charmé Mesmerize Brown under natural sunlight (in a room)

Dark brown-ish and the pattern wasn't too obvious. Green tick for this!

Charmé Mesmerize Brown under sunlight directly (I opened the glass door XD)

Apparently the pattern seems pretty obvious this way but still passble for me. Another green tick!

Charmé Mesmerize Brown under room lightning

Darkest tone of all but it's still brown. Approve this also!


Here's a summarized verdict for Charmé Mesmerize Brown ;)

It's actually pretty good with the price you need to pay, it's only RM30 per box for a month supply (GlassesOnline.com.my)! Not recommend for long wearing although it's water content is 38% (38% last longer for dry eyes user), my eyes starts feeling dry after putting them on for few hours. Not much choice on the colour, as Charmé Mesmerize only have Brown, Blue Green & Gray but I'm satisfied with my choice!

Recommended for those with tight budget and natural lens lover like me :p

Comfortability: ★★☆☆☆
Design           : ★★★★☆
Price             : ★★★★☆


If you looking for any affordable eyewear or contact lenses, check out GlassesOnline.com.my! They include free delivery for every purchase made and also 30 days return as shown at the image below. There's RM10 gift card for your new sign up as well.

Just log on to www.glassesonline.com.my for more info :)

Have fun!


Finally I'm feeling better naos ahhhhhh
Been very sick since last Tuesday, fever headache flu you name it lol.
Puking all sorts of food I consumed also HAHAHA.
and and skipped work also :x

Anyway, take care guys!
A healthy body is much more important than everything, cuz I realized I wasted my weekend feeling sick very not worth it ah.

So yeah, drink more water okay?


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