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Friday, December 31, 2010

uh you know laa~review of 2010!

seriously im so blur in my early part of 2010 =.=
i try my best to recalled back la kay~ xD

In this year,i gained alot,either joy or sad cases

we are getting closer and closer in this year ^^
i'd became the girl who daring to speak out my mind and...wanna fix my relationship with mummy!
i used to hide everything from mum
hmm..wad a useless daughter right?
i promise to do better and better in future!lalala~

i have so much GREAT friends!
my PBSM 10sista, bond of our relationship will never break ya...okayy?^^

hmm hmmm...i wont forget my wifey laaa~
old picture, who care~
you all are the emo dustbin LOL
especially miss qiao er=_=
dont know why i like to tell u my secrets hahaha

okayy my DEAREST grandpa
mr.fish taro~
you're my second best male friend =)
i feel so comfortable when with you
you get my 1st hand information 'mostly' XDD
actually i plan to cry infront of you when coll reopen LOL.

you sucks! xD

mr.Edmund lai,
my male sista?=p
he is the one with me every time my relationship ended.
even though he is in aus now.
he is the BEST guy lol.evon take good care of him ya~
love you =)
 出卖u again XD

alalalala yr turn la miss nicho~
i dont need to hide myself when i with you
laugh crazily
talk soooo much nonsence
and...'snake' tgt? XD
we meet again next year whei?XD

mr DLC
sometimes kinda hate you=__=
but i cant hate u LOL
you're my net-->virtual friend HAHAHA
and kanasai dont everytime say stupid things la! XD

now my new freaking random gang which is ms evon, uncle cj a.k.a jacob, giap giap a.k.a member of glam-__-
you guys aaaaa
really random 1-___-
and my cash flow very fast of these randomness lo~
keep on the randomness XD

i dont hv the group pic sooooo

hahahahah xD

sampai miss raynz la~
we know each other through andy,
and because of our 烂人九把刀hehe
and dont know why we like so 'ngam key' one~
why har?=0
we never meet each other wor~
hehe dont care laa you still owe me gelato~kakax~
love you babe^^
*i dont have your pic laaaaa XD*

guess who's next?
miss stephanie! *clapsssssss*
haha i got to know you through innit
and you're way tooooo sweet and became ma sista pulak XD
how come?hahah!
you warm my heart when im in the worst situation
and you took my heart away LOL
we shall meet up one day kayy?
with our another sista! =p

im soo lazy to continue LOL

and those unpredictable inniters!
glad to have you all okayy?
you made me smile =)
like ms prissie, mr.tollytubbies(lol), mr.zhiwei, ms xing xing xing xing~, ms cheesy dr, another sista yeeing =), mr john, mr joel/leon/wadever xD, BEST yuhjiun, ms lilian, ms micheee a.k.a the girl who likes glam xD.....and so on LOL.

i gt tons of GREAT friends in 2010!


fuck you


3more hours to a brand new year
so...my wishes!

1. i wanna ruin someone's life.a 90% of kidding.
3. happy family for sure?
4. flirt around.
5. fantastic result please.
6. healthier body!
7. lotsa present in every festival? xD
8. lomo camera!! used to stop by someone but im free now =3=
10. starbuck every week =x

dont dare to wish for a new boyfie. phobia dy -__-
get back to my solo-walk life =)
no more Ahmad drive me to everywhere
but at least i gain a live GPS =DDD
and whole life free movie and starbuck

i still have my new darling SEXAY kumo-chan~


some flashback for the year? o_O
my 1st HDR =x
went sg.lembing with coll-mate!

my solowalk to mational art gallery,capsquare,KL tower!

my solo-walk to melaka~
aunt renee and uncle.....forget it ._.

my 1st hairdye in 19 years old!
read this bout the story XD

met my idol 九把刀@ The Mines bookfair!!!!
and handed him my own made story book of his story~
read here =D

1st time to sell my own made things tgt with my friend ah xien @ SunU Animangaki!
okayy we earn not much XD

i guess shall stop here?
gotta Cho D at lam's house!

bye guys!

song of the year....


one more!


checked out the ads ya~


I know you love me

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