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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

PEEK-A-BOO Chapter 2 =3

lalala chapter2 whei~


Lets talk about one of my friend, Mr.J.

He is a guy I met when I’m working at Sungai Wang Plaza. We used to have a short chat about lift incident too! He has a fear towards the lift of Sungai Wang Plaza. He claimed that the lifts over there always lost function even I told him nothing happen on it for so many times. Now this case going interesting…although he is so afraid of the lifts there, but he never face this accident in his life.

I success to convince him to try just once.

20 minutes later, “click” , a new message.

“Hey thanks! I didn’t trap in the lift! =) Have a nice day!”

Aww how cute!

But…cute? This shows how rumors break human’s confident easily!


Eeyeah,I saw a kind of lift which is quite interesting. I guess a lot of peoples have seen it before and that is the lifts in Sungai Wang Plaza!

There is a “tiang” block at the entrance!

The first thought when I saw this was “pole dance?”

Most of you guys think like that right?


Yeaa I know that don’t hide your face I can see you~

Maybe some of you all even tried to make some funny gesture on it right!


So I was like really have no any ideas why the pole was there and make a lot of trouble by blocking the way…until I met Jamie!

She told me the pole was there to block the trolley of supplier or what-so-ever.

What for?

They still going in with the trolley just abit harshly and bring a lot of troubles to the visitors.

The pole took a position.

But it has been there for such long time and seriously, peoples are getting used to it.

Maybe day after day, we don’t have any feeling to it anymore…

home alone~
feeling wanna eat crab na =(
Mr.bi still at genting
now waiting evon n cj on nia XDDDDD

video sharing here..

Just the way you are-Bruno Mars my lover =D


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