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Hilarious Translator- Google

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

DONE MY WRITING PHEW *with fully gramatic error*XD

做publication design还要自己写故事叻=3=


This is the article for my publication design assignment!
Have fun!

As we seen, is a 5x5x12feets moving rectangular.
Anything could happen in this not-so-big closed space.

Let’s talk about my experience.
Fresh juicy gossip.
I was stucked on a lift when I’m 12 years old. Hmm.. suppose be WE. I was a part if dance team for my primary school and we were invited to a dancing performance. We did a great job for that performance and it’s time to head back our school!
We were told about the antique lift over there might have some problem but we just forget in a couple of minutes.

So, we were like soooo happy and STEP IN THE FREAKING BLOODY LIFT.
*no worry it’s not a ghost story.
The lift stucked in the middle of air. We shocked, and we laughed.

Yeah we were laughing!

We were so excited and keep on talk as much as we could to reduce tension. After 15 to 20 minutes I think, the deadly lift function again.

Guess what’s the first thing we did when we our first step out of the lift?
Running happily to the school bus?
Share our feeling?

We cried.

Hey! We were just a bunch of not-more-than 12 years old girls, how could we stay calm right? The tears wash away the fear in our heart.

Flash forward to the time we were stucked
The stupid accident was freaking me out. Every kid was laughing and I can’t lose right?
So I laughed.
But my mind started to drive crazily! I felt like some alien was cutting the “rope” which is the only thing that supporting the lift.

Or maybe a “kid” jumping on top of the lift??

I wanna cry but I don’t wan’t to influence the others!
Help me!!

The lift function again

Thanks “Guan Yin Ma” for the bless!

Lets talk about one of my friend, Mr.J.
He is a guy I met when I’m working at Sungai Wang Plaza. We used to have a short chat about lift incident too! He has a fear towards the lift of Sungai Wang Plaza. He claimed that the lifts over there always lost function even I told him nothing happen on it for so many times. Now this case going interesting…although he is so afraid of the lifts there, but he never face this accident in his life.
I success to convince him to try just once.
20 minutes later, “click” , a new message.
“Hey thanks! I didn’t trap in the lift! =) Have a nice day!”
Aww how cute!
But…cute? This shows how rumors break human’s confident easily!

Eeyeah,I saw a kind of lift which is quite interesting. I guess a lot of peoples have seen it before and that is the lifts in Sungai Wang Plaza!
There is a “tiang” block at the entrance!

The first thought when I saw this was “pole dance?”

Most of you guys think like that right?
Yeaa I know that don’t hide your face I can see you~
Maybe some of you all even tried to make some funny gesture on it right!
So I was like really have no any ideas why the pole was there and make a lot of trouble by blocking the way…until I met Jamie!

She told me the pole was there to block the trolley of supplier or what-so-ever.
What for?
They still going in with the trolley just abit harshly and bring a lot of troubles to the visitors.
The pole took a position.

But it has been there for such long time and seriously, peoples are getting used to it.
Maybe day after day, we don’t have any feeling to it anymore…
As we know, lift widely used in horror movie as their topic.
But why?

A not-so-big closed space could create a unspeakable atmosphere and we know that, human’s imagination are unlimited especially when we are alone…
For me, I always feel like something could happen or something sneaky hiding in the space that my eyesight I couldn’t reach in that rectangular thingy.

What if the lift with CCTV?
Will the security peeping on the screen while eating cup Maggi?
Or it’s something terror thingy starring on it?

How about spotlight blinking all the way when you are going up the highest floor and it is 12 o’clock in the midnight?
Holy cow kill me then.
In the journey of ‘with light-with no light-with light-aaaaargh with no light again’, it’s 10 times terrible than you pay 10 bucks for horror movie! The low-light condition could make you dizzy and start to confuse your mind and slowly…..slowly…….

Head turns to backside
Nothing happen

Head turns to backside again,
Still nothing happen

Faster reach 19th floor pleaseeeeeeeee

Foot stepping

Look at phone

Look at the floor

Check which floor I am


Step out the lift

Looked back to the lift to do the last peep. Its safe to leave!
What if I do PEEK-A-BOO?
I don’t know and I don’t wan’t to know yet I don’t wish to know.

Here comes episode 2.

Head turns to backside
Nothing happen

Head turns to backside again,
Still nothing happen

Faster reach 19th floor pleaseeeeeeeee

Foot stepping

Look at phone

Look at the floor

Check which floor I am


A stupid masked-man smiling (I guess)at me with a CHAINSAW!!!
He rise up his killing tool, and prepare to split me into half like a banana split!

Press the ‘door close’ button in uber speed!

OMG he is in!

I wake up.
Yeaaa that’s my imagination!


So…how’s yours?


I get a call from 988radio FM, the caller (is a ‘she’) says I can claim my prizes at AmAssurance building and the excited ME move myself to there~

Tsk tsk…
Here comes another lift story…I peep at the peoples who are waiting together. Seems like everyone is rushing back to work and…tidy up themselves with the reflection of the lift.
This is the first time I feel dizzy in a lift. The lift is going up very fast like grabbing Michael Jackson’s last concert ticket and I’m heading to 19th floor. Luckily, it is too fast to reach 19th floor before i spew it out.
But after 10 minutes registration thingy, she says we have to down to 16th to claim that money.

Owh my goshh

Something good happen when we waiting for the lift. I meet KK Wong my idol DJ! DJ Cheryl always says that he is fat but its okay…just quite...


We step in the same lift and I have barely 10 seconds to decide whether I shall take a picture with him. In this shortly 10 seconds, lot so things run through my mind.

“I’m shy.”
“I wanna take picture with him to update my blog!”
“Wah he really “na yeng” lo”
“I wanna take picture with him!”
“A lot of people around me..”
“It’s embarrassing”

Times up.

I have to walk out from the lift and I should make another decision in 2 seconds.
Should I say goodbye to him?
Hmmm I think better don’t, it’s so embarrassing if he ignore me!

So I walk out the lift and I start to regret in 3 seconds time.  

Bye my idol, bye my photo, bye my blog post.


I was told that mostly peoples behave politely when they enter a lift.
Yea Mr.I reminds me about the weird atmosphere in a lift. He says that everyone is behaving weird; they don’t dare to make noises, laugh silently, speak in ‘hissing’ mode and keep quiet even someone farted in the small closing space! HAH!

It sound so interesting and I decide to make some fun with it!
Decided to fart in a crowded lift!

Evil plan on the go!
Date              : November 12, 2010 (Friday)
Place      : Lift in Taman Fadason, Jinjang, Kuala Lumpur
Time       : Around 5 to 6 o’clock (Peoples are back from work)
Plan               : Try to eat bean curd (Tau Fu Fa)as much as possible, it makes me stomachache all the time!  Then….fart slooooowly in the halfway while lift going up!

Game starts.
-In the lift-


A lot of faces changed.
Some of them stick their eyebrow together, lips move to ‘n’ shape.
One of them stare aside like nothing happen. Is he farted too?
Some of them mumbling something that I couldn’t hear. Cursing?
Some of them peeping around to find out who did this.
A kid is complaining to his mum that the lift is soo smelly. Sorry my dear.

How about me?
I’m the in the group of peeping around!
I just act like I’m innocent.

5th floor.

It’s time to leave the crime scene!

Clap for myself for a brilliant trick.It’s a good way to spice up my life.

Hmm…have to zip my mouth right here.
SOOOO tiring to mumbling non-stop HAHAHHA.
Miss ya!


只是很想学gossip girl咯=3=
*ctrl++ for bigger font=D*



check out the ad if interested laa~

so i cut it into chap by chap laa~

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