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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dataran merdeka random shoots? low saturation photography style!❤

camwhore pic on the top xD
Since my bloggie looks so dry lately.....
I'm gonna share my random shoots of dataran merdeka!!

It was a Sunday.
kinda gloomy.
went to Annex Gallery, Pasar Seni, beside Dataran Merdeka.
played with my D-chan a.k.a canon 450D!

style:low saturation,high contrast experimental shoot.

 blocked for CNY event i guess?
 gloomy sunday : |
 x3 traffic light

 feel like....wanna lay on the floor and ROLLLL to the other end ._。

 stupid camwhore #2
 seriously dont like the mole on my foot
 an angmoh was watching at me and
 feel curious(maybe) for purpose of taking this pic
another stupid camwhore #3

didn't took much pic....
there was windy at first
but started to rain

enjoy my photo!> <
*all non-photoshop photo except 1st 1 =D*

next post.....
my CNY collection! XD
apa apa pun ada~

check out my ads ya!


  1. Nice shots (: waaaa shopped a lot for CNY too yeah?

  2. oh wow! i could never take good scenery pics like u..i only knw how to camwhore lol!

  3. bet you shop alot....nice pics btw :)

  4. Nice pictas! :D i love ur first pic! ><

  5. i like the shots! love the light and colour! xD

  6. Wow, great day with photographs!! =]

  7. @joeanney: yeaa alot of..tops._. hv to wear underwear for CNY dy XD
    @mk: thanks!
    @steph: hahaha 1st is photoshopped for the effects LO XD
    @alien: teeheee i love it too =p thanks!
    @bendan: not that great but i enjoyed! =D

  8. nice there..kekeke. :D


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